(+34) 968 102 884   |   info@gruassaez.com

Sáez Cranes exhibits for the first time at JDL Expo

Sáez Cranes participates for the first time in the JDL Expo fair in Beaune (Dijon). This annual fair brings together a broad range of professionals from various sectors, including material handling, specialised maintenance, complex transport and hoisting.

By |2022-06-23T00:51:43+02:0030 May, 2022|Corporate, News|

Grúas Sáez advances in the integration of Industry 4.0

With this service, included in the “SDS” (Sáez Direct Services) platform, customers will be able to know the behaviour pattern of their crane in real time, allowing them to predict operating errors in advance. In addition, they will also have access to a personalised technical service and an extensive catalogue of customised spare parts and accessories.

By |2022-04-26T22:31:26+02:0022 March, 2022|Corporate, Services|

Sáez Cranes increases sales in Israel for the sixth year running

The tremendous level of sales of various Sáez tower-crane models in Israel, together with the installation of other bespoke models designed around our distributor's specific needs and requirements, have positioned Sáez as leaders in this area of the Mediterranean. Sustained growth in sales has now been maintained over six years.

By |2022-02-03T13:26:36+01:003 February, 2022|Corporate|

Assembly of a Sáez Crane TLS 80 32T for a new cement plant in Paraguay

Focused on the need for growth and sustainable development, in the face of structural needs in Paraguay, CECOM has harnessed the power of the SAEZ TLS 80 32T tower crane, for the construction of an imposing cement plant.

By |2021-11-26T01:28:46+01:0023 November, 2021|Corporate|

The Chrysalide construction site in Châtel-St-Denis continues to gain height

This major project, which sees Sáez tower cranes as main protagonists, includes the relocation of urban spaces, the construction of new tracks, the remodelling of the train station, all located in this largely agricultural Swiss municipality.

By |2021-11-26T01:09:56+01:0019 November, 2021|Corporate|

Consolidation of Sáez Cranes TL 55 and TLS 65 tower cranes, in Israel

Through a decade of effort and dedication, several of Sáez Cranes’ flat-tops models are now firmly established in the construction industry in Israel. In particular, our TL 55, TLS 65 and TLS 70 models are the most rented, sold and demanded cranes in the area.

By |2021-10-26T19:09:11+02:0022 October, 2021|Corporate|

Sáez Cranes remains at the cutting-edge in tower crane innovation

Sáez Cranes is committed to continuous technological improvement, and the Sáez engineering team is driving forward a range of some of the most impressive innovations in efficiency, safety and adaptability that can be found on the market today.
By |2021-05-12T23:41:50+02:009 February, 2021|Corporate|

Find out what makes the Sáez Group a world reference in crane manufacturing

Since Saez Cranes was founded in 1965, we have distinguished ourselves as being crane manufacturers who strive to respond meticulously to the needs of the client, and our touchstone in this endeavour has been an ongoing commitment to technological innovation.
By |2021-02-25T10:31:19+01:008 January, 2021|Corporate|

Sáez Cranes feature-spread in International Cranes

If you are a crane professional, or connected in any way to the world of cranes, you’ll have doubtless thumbed through many an edition of “International Cranes”. Sáez Cranes is very pleased that once again they are to be found among the pages of this prestigious magazine.
By |2021-02-25T10:32:03+01:0017 December, 2020|Corporate|
Grúas Sáez
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    BASIC INFORMATION ON DATA PROTECTION: Data processing responsibility: Grúas Sáez informs that under the European regulation on data protection 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27th 2016 regarding an individual’s data protection (RGPD), Saez Cranes S.L shall be responsible for the processing and storage of any personal data you may provide. Purpose: The purpose of processing data: the personal data that we request is for the purpose of responding to your enquiry, and to provide you with our services. Advertising: We will only send you advertising with your prior authorization, which you can provide us with by means of a corresponding confirmation, established for this purpose, in this form. Legitimacy: We will only process your data with your prior consent, which you can supply by means of checking the corresponding confirmation box, established for this purpose. Recipients: Only duly Saez-authorised personnel will have access to the information requested. Rights: You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation or deletion of such data through info@gruassaez.com. Additional information: You can consult additional and detailed information about Data Protection in our section of Política de privacidad at gruassaez.com.
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